fn create_deck #

fn create_deck<T>(cards []T) Deck<T>

Creates a deck from the provided set of cards.

fn create_standard_deck #

fn create_standard_deck() Deck<.Card>

Creates a deck of 52 cards (2 through 10, Jock, Queen, King and Ace) of the 4 standard suits - Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts and Spades.

fn create_uno_deck #

fn create_uno_deck() Deck<.UnoCard>

Creates a standard deck of 108 Uno cards, including one 0 of each color, four 1 - 9 of each color, four skip, reverse and draw two of each color, and four change color and draw four (each) wild cards.

fn (Deck) shuffle #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) shuffle(times ...int)

Shuffles the deck. Optionally specify how many times to shuffle it. deck.shuffle() - shuffles the deck once. deck.shuffle(3) - shuffles the deck 3 times.

fn (Deck) peek #

fn (deck Deck<T>) peek() T

Peeks the card at the top of the deck. Does not draw/remove the card from the deck.

fn (Deck) peekn #

fn (deck Deck<T>) peekn(amount int) []T

Peeks a specified amount of cards from the top of the deck. Does not draw/remove the cards from the deck.

fn (Deck) peek_middle #

fn (deck Deck<T>) peek_middle() T

Peeks the card at the middle of the deck. Does not draw/remove the card from the deck.

fn (Deck) peek_bottom #

fn (deck Deck<T>) peek_bottom() T

Peeks the card at the bottom of the deck. Does not draw/remove the card from the deck.

fn (Deck) peek_bottomn #

fn (deck Deck<T>) peek_bottomn(amount int) []T

Peeks a specified amount of cards from the bottom of the deck. Does not draw/remove the cards from the deck.

fn (Deck) peek_random #

fn (deck Deck<T>) peek_random() T

Peeks a card from a random position in the deck. Does not draw/remove the card from the deck.

fn (Deck) peek_randomn #

fn (deck Deck<T>) peek_randomn(amount int) []T

Peeks a specified amount of cards from random, non-repeating positions in the deck. Does not draw/remove the cards from the deck.

fn (Deck) peek_at #

fn (deck Deck<T>) peek_at(position int) T

Peeks the card at the specified position in the deck. Does not draw/remove the card from the deck.

fn (Deck) draw #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) draw() T

Draws a card from the top of the deck. The card is then removed from the deck.

fn (Deck) drawn #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) drawn(amount int) []T

Draws a specified amount of cards from the top of the deck. The cards are then removed from the deck.

fn (Deck) draw_middle #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) draw_middle() T

Draws the card at the middle of the deck. The card is then removed from the deck.

fn (Deck) draw_bottom #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) draw_bottom() T

Draws a single cards from the bottom of the deck. The card is then removed from the deck.

fn (Deck) draw_bottomn #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) draw_bottomn(amount int) []T

Draws a specified amount of cards from the bottom of the deck. The cards are then removed from the deck.

fn (Deck) draw_random #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) draw_random() T

Draws a card from a random position in the deck. The card is then removed from the deck.

fn (Deck) draw_randomn #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) draw_randomn(amount int) []T

Draws a specified amount of cards from random positions in the deck. The cards are then removed from the deck.

fn (Deck) draw_at #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) draw_at(position int) T

Draws the card from the specified position in the deck. The card is then removed from the deck.

fn (Deck) add #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) add(card T)

Adds the specified card to the top of the deck.

fn (Deck) add_middle #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) add_middle(card T)

Adds the specified card to the middle of the deck.

fn (Deck) add_bottom #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) add_bottom(card T)

Adds the specified card to the bottom of the deck.

fn (Deck) add_at #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) add_at(position int, card T)

Adds the specified card at the specified position in the deck.

fn (Deck) add_random #

fn (mut deck Deck<T>) add_random(card T)

Adds the specified card at a random position in the deck.

fn (Deck) get_cards #

fn (deck Deck<T>) get_cards() []T

Returns the cards currently in the deck.

fn (Deck) count_cards #

fn (deck Deck<T>) count_cards() int

Returns the current amount of cards in the deck.

fn (Deck) has_cards #

fn (deck Deck<T>) has_cards() bool

Returns a boolean indicating whether there is atleast 1 card in the deck.

fn (Deck) contains #

fn (deck Deck<T>) contains(card T) bool

Checks whether the specified card is contained in the deck.

fn (Deck) index_of #

fn (deck Deck<T>) index_of(card T) int

Returns the index of the specified card in the deck. Returns -1 if the card is not contained in the deck.

type UnoCard #

type UnoCard = UnoActionCard | UnoNumberCard | UnoWildCard

enum Suit #

enum Suit {

enum UnoColor #

enum UnoColor {

enum UnoAction #

enum UnoAction {

enum UnoWildAction #

enum UnoWildAction {

struct Deck #

struct Deck<T> {
	cards []T

Represents a deck of cards.

struct UnoNumberCard #

struct UnoNumberCard {
	color  UnoColor
	number int

struct Card #

struct Card {
	suit Suit
	rank CardRank

Represents a standard playing card with a rank and a suit.

struct UnoActionCard #

struct UnoActionCard {
	color  UnoColor
	action UnoAction

struct UnoWildCard #

struct UnoWildCard {
	action UnoWildAction